Austin Steffen
Austin is 18 years old and likes reading and cooking. His favorite genre of books is fantasy and supernatural. He absolutely hates non-fiction books. He is currently reading the books House Of Night by P.C Cast, Keepers Of The Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger, Star Child Places Of Power by Leonard Petracci, and hundreds of web novels. His favorite things to make are Chinese and Asian food because they usually don’t use onions and he hates cutting onions so they work well. The things he made that turned out the best were orange chicken, mini cheddar meatloaf, and pepper steak. He likes listening to music while reading or cooking. He has done some writing and can’t say he likes it but he doesn’t hate it either. He’s horrible at putting in punctuation. He does not believe in gods, but he finds the concept of gods and demons interesting. Austin loves things related to Egypt and if he could visit any place it would be Japan because he really wants to see their firework festival.