A Drought and A Fire

Platypi have long been listed as near threatened by the IUCN but due to the changes to the Australian climate, many platypi are dying and their habitat is being decreased by a significant margin. With the wildfires that plagued the Australian outback from 2019 to 2020  and the subsequent rainfall deficiency in 2021, the adored animal the platypi were left with damaged habits and a lacking number of adolescents in damaged areas. 

The platypus needs a damp and cool environment in order to survive and repopulate its habitat and its needs are not met after droughts and floods. Due to the needs of their species not being met in their current habit the platypus could lose upwards of 40% of the population across Australia. If we do not make a large attempt to save this precious mammal then we may lose yet another species.


Work Cited

“Drought Statement – Climate.” Bureau of Meteorology, 6 December 2022, http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/drought/#tabs=Summary. Accessed 12 December 2022.