It has been a week since the lucky cat started to move on its own. I know that’s what happened because the places it ended up kept straying further and further from where I originally put it as the nights went on..
Maybe this is what that merchant meant when they muttered, ‘Good luck with that’… I should’ve known better than to trust a sketchy market filled with non-human creatures. And yet I spent my money on this little ceramic cat that I can’t keep track of anymore. I can only hope that this is all it will do. I’ve noticed I haven’t been as lucky as the first three weeks I had it.
“Kiseki! Are you stocking those shelves or just staring at them?” my boss asked as she made a stop at the isle I was in. It snapped me out of my thoughts and I turned to her.
“Sorry, I’m stocking them.” I respond, taking another thing out of the box next to me and setting it on the shelf.
“Alright. Don’t let me see you distracted again.” My boss nodded, walking away.
I sighed, staring at the ground for a moment before looking back at the shelf in front of me, then nearly jumping out of my skin. The lucky cat was sitting right there, almost like it was mocking me. I huffed, putting it in my pocket. “This is my work, don’t move anywhere else.” I muttered, as if it could hear me talk to it.
When I was done at the shelf I was stocking, I had to go to the register. The lucky cat was sitting on the counter. I hadn’t even noticed it left my pocket.
I decided to keep it there just so I could watch it, since it looked like decoration anyways.
“That keepin’ ya lucky?” A customer asked as they set their items on the counter.
“Hm..? Oh, uh.. Yeah.” I lied, glancing at the lucky cat sitting by the register. I actually had pretty bad luck again, just like before I had it. But this random customer didn’t need to know my problems. Small talk always annoyed me.
They nodded, waiting as I scanned their items and handed the bag back to them.
“Have a good night.” I muttered, watching as they wandered towards the door.
When I looked at the counter again, the lucky cat was gone. I covered my face, sighing quietly. I was glad that was the last customer for tonight, I was sick of needing to look for this cat every other hour.
I saw my boss start to close up shop.
“Hey.. Have you seen a small lucky cat anywhere?” I went up to her, awkwardly asking where it went. I wasn’t one to carry around a lucky charm, so I was worried she’d look at me weird.
“Ah, so this is yours?” She took it out of her pocket, holding it up. “It was sitting on some random shelf.” She handed it to me.
I was surprised to see she had it with her. I wondered for how long, since it never seemed to stay put when it was with me. “..Thank you. See you tomorrow.” I bowed to her slightly, and went out the door. I looked at the lucky cat in my hand, sighing quietly. “I told you to stay put.” I muttered, putting it in my pocket, but keeping my hand around it so I would know if it disappeared again.
I decided to take the long route home again. Maybe I could ask for a refund.. Sure, I only spent ten bucks on it, but this thing wasn’t working anymore. I knew I probably shouldn’t keep my hopes up, since a sketchy merchant like the one who sold it to me probably wouldn’t take refunds. But it was worth a shot.
I checked my phone as I walked through the crisp night air. Only a few minutes away from midnight, and I was getting close to the market. I should get there just in time.
And I did. The market was well lit and populated just like it was the first time I happened upon it at this hour. It still didn’t make sense to me how this legend was real, while simultaneously proving multiple other legends in the process. I haven’t had enough time to think about it.
I walked the bustling street, looking for the same booth I got the charm from. Glancing around, I saw the recognizable fox mask of the merchant.
I went up to them. “This is a different location than last time.” I looked around at their booth.
“Ah, it’s you! Yeah, some other guy got the booth I’m normally at. Oh well.” The merchant shrugged “The lucky cat treatin’ you well?” They said in their typical smug tone.
I scowled at them “No. The luck like..Wore off, or something. And now it’s teleporting around. I had to keep my hand around it in my pocket just to be sure it wouldn’t….” I complained, talking my hand out of my pocket to show it to them..And I trailed off, noticing it wasn’t there. I groaned, covering my face.
The merchant laughed, clearly holding back a full on cackle. “Oh, that’s hilarious..” They muttered after they stopped laughing.
“Yes, sooo funny…” I grumbled “Can I get a refund?”
“Well not when ya don’t even have it.” The merchant shook their head with a chuckle “And also not ever. I don’t take refunds, kid.”
“Great, so I’m stuck with it..” I mumbled, crossing my arms.
“Yep. But at least it only ever moves around. I can’t believe ya actually bought it from a guy like me.” The shopkeeper teased. “Plus, ya should’ve gotten at least a small taste of what true luck feels like. In the beginning.” They shrugged, their smirking mask forever matching their voice.
“Yeah, I did. If only it stayed like that.” I sighed. “I guess I should get going then.” I muttered, turning away to start leaving.
“Alrighty! Come make another midnight visit if ya find yourself in need of fresh luck.” The shopkeeper mused with a wave, obviously knowing they weren’t my go-to source for luck anymore.
I didn’t respond as I made my way down the street, occasionally glancing at the strange people and creatures that were stopped at booths or walking past me.
So yokai really are real… I thought to myself as I wandered. The concept was still insane to me.
Little did I know, I would soon be seeing a lot of them..