For years, there have been rumors about the ‘Midnight Market’ in my town. Apparently, it was a market that made use of the empty stalls left from the one that was usually open in the morning and afternoon. There wasn’t much about this supposed market, besides the fact it was somehow magical…
I’ve always been skeptical about legends and rumors like that one. Strange creatures and magic didn’t exist, people just made stuff up like that to entertain themselves and others. And I understand, life around here can get pretty boring.. I only wish they didn’t act like it was real. It can be entertaining without deceiving people.
It was getting pretty late on my nightly walk.. That was the whole reason I thought of that market in the first place. In the legends, it opened exactly at midnight. I mused the thought of it existing, and needing to walk through it on my path home. I guess it is entertaining to imagine a world where it could exist. It’s not this one though.
As I walked, the minutes slowly ticked by to 12:00. I made my way towards the shortcut I used, through the market. There was an odd glow coming from it… Different from the streetlights that usually lined the path. I shrugged it off, making my way down the street. Then I heard voices.
Why is the market populated at this hour..? I asked myself, stopping at the entrance and checking the time on my phone. It was midnight..I didn’t even notice.
I looked up from the screen and there were flags and lanterns lining the market street. Various people and strange creatures roamed the area, bargaining at stands and leaving with strange objects or food. You’ve gotta be kidding me… I thought to myself, slowly and carefully continuing my way down the street. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming, and somehow fell asleep immediately after going home. Nope, it was all real. The legend I brushed off since the moment I heard it was now in front of me, taking the form of a bustling yet mysterious marketplace.
I couldn’t help but stop at a few stands on my way through. Many of them seemed to sell odd enchanted trinkets, things that promised to make your life easier. Some sold food I’ve never seen before.
Thankfully, they took any currency you had on your person, as long as it was physical. I hesitantly bought something that resembled dango, but tasted nothing like it. I was concerned it was going to give me some magical effect, but from what I could tell I was still normal. I found it tasted pretty good.
As I made my way through, I passed many creatures I’ve only ever heard about. Some resembling people, but wearing strange masks or having something off about them, such as exaggerated proportions… And some resembling something non-human entirely. A cat standing on twos, something similar to a turtle walking around buying cucumbers.. And various spirit-like shapes.
I never thought I would encounter something like this.. These all appeared to be creatures from other legends in my town, besides the few other humans that seemed to be regulars.
I almost wanted to stay a bit longer and delay my walk home simply to see what they all had to offer. One booth caught my eye, being run by somebody wearing a fox mask. They looked human.. But I could tell that they weren’t.
I looked over their wares, carefully picking up a small ceramic cat.
“Ah! That one intrigue ya?” The shopkeeper asked with curiosity “Careful handling it, the enchantment’s pretty strong.” They chuckled.
“..That so?” I looked up at them a bit, still gently holding it. “What does it do?”
“Ya see.. It’s a lucky cat that truly lives up to its name. You’re guaranteed to have the best luck if you get that thing, maybe it’ll even grant you a wish.” They laugh mischievously. “You give off the vibe of a guy who could use some extra luck, y’know.”
I stared at the merchant for a moment. How’d they know that? My luck’s been pretty awful recently…
There was no telling if this was something I could trust, but I was willing to give it a shot. The food was good, maybe the supposed enchantments were too. “How much?”
“Hmm… 5’000 yen.” The merchant’s mask already matched their smug tone, but I was sure if they took it off they’d also be smirking.
5’000 yen..? I don’t have that much pocket money. I was willing to spend 1’600, if that. I might have to bargain if I wanted this.
“3’200.” I started only slightly lower, not wanting to push it.
The merchant seemed intrigued by my trying to haggle. They laughed “4’000.”
“3’500?” I never tried to bargain, I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right. I wasn’t even sure if I had that much on me.
The merchant seemed to consider something, before chuckling. “Alright, how much do ya have on you? I can tell you’re desperate. I’ll do an unlucky lad a favor.”
I sighed quietly, knowing I’d probably have to spend more than I wanted to…Before I had an idea. I checked how much I had on me..
2’000. If I lied, maybe they wouldn’t know.
I took out some of the money, holding it out to them while obscuring the fact I had more, “1’600.”
The shopkeeper seemed surprised at the low amount, but shrugged “Looks like the cat’s already takin’ effect. It’s a deal.” They took the cash. It felt like there was something they weren’t telling me, but maybe it was just the sketchy vibe of the overall market. Nothing seemed particularly legal.
I nodded to the merchant “Thank you. I’ll take care of it.”
The merchant laughed, nodding to me in return. I could’ve sworn I heard them mutter something equivalent to ‘Good luck with that’ under their breath, before laughing again like they told a joke.
What did they mean by that? Would I regret buying this..?
The first few weeks of owning the lucky cat actually did seem better. I felt like things were finally going right for once, so maybe the enchantment did work…
Then the fourth week rolled around. I was walking to work, when I put my hand in my pocket, and the small cat wasn’t there anymore. I looked on the ground to see if I had dropped it.. But it wasn’t behind me either. I shook my head gently. I probably left it at home. In fact, I remember setting it on my dresser in the morning.
When I went home that night, I went to check where I thought it was.. And it wasn’t there. No big deal, I probably misremembered.
That night, I started to make dinner. The cat showed up on top of my microwave. That’s an odd place… I thought to myself, picking it up and setting it on my coffee table.
I sat down on my couch to eat when dinner was done.. And the lucky cat wasn’t there anymore. It was sitting in front of the TV.
Ok, I definitely do not remember putting it there…